Custom frame enquiry

Couldn’t find the frame you wanted? This is where you can enquire about creating your own custom frame.

Please complete the form below to create the custom frame you are looking for, and once we receive your enquiry we will email you back with a price and details.

    Your name:

    Your email:

    Frame Title:

    Number of cards you wish to display:

    Back plate colour options:
    Please select your back plate colour option from the list below (first colour is the plate finish, second colour is the engraved detail). If your preferred colour combination is not on the list, please select CUSTOM from the list and comment in the notes below, but please be aware, totally custom colour options will carry an additional cost).

    Your custom frame requirements:
    Please describe your custom frame requirements in detail, including any icons or design elements and text you require. The more info you can provide us the easier the quotation process will be.

    Please select your shipping destination:
    Currently we only ship to the UK, USA and Europe. We hope to ship to other destinations shortly.